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Project Schedule

The design portion of this project occurs during the Fall quarter of the academic year completed three major components. These components include the work and completion of a proposal, analyses constituting 12 computational engineering sheets that employ RADD techniques, as well as designing, modeling, and ANSI Y14.5 detail drawing project components. The twelve computational green sheets were submitted weekly throughout the quarter and required the student to define a problem, present a solution, define a requirement, analyze the situation, and yield a design parameter from the said analysis. Finally, the student then incorporated said parameter into the design of a component and produces a detailed drawing of the component-based of ANSI Y14.5 standards. These analyses and drawings are then incorporated into a proposal. Then, there's the construction portion of the project which started during the Winter of the school year. This portion includes Inspection of the parts, compatibility testing, and evaluating how practical they are.  Insofar, all of the components have been manufactured and the vehicle is in the process of being assembled. Finally, the testing portion will revisit the requirements and aim to see if the produced product meets these requirements. The full schedule (Gantt Chart) can be seen in Figures 1, 2, and 3.

Only 223 hours of labor on this project.

This is over 100 hours less than scheduled for.


Project Budget

Currently, the entire project estimated cost is set at $7,910. This is broken down into three different categories, as follows. A fund of $170 is planned for the expenses of purchased RC electrical components and parts. A fund of $60 was planned for the cost of materials, namely, the cost of aluminum for the chassis and the cost of the 3D printing service through the school. It was found that the price of the aluminum was much cheaper than budgeted for as it was only $5. There is the estimated cost of labor for Paul, of $7,774, which amounts to the majority of the entire project cost and is simply there to illustrate what labor might cost on a project of this magnitude. There is an emergency fund also in the budget to allow for a contingency cushion if problems arise. Please see the below budget table for more specific details in Table 1

Fall Schedule.png

Figure 1: Design and Analysis (Fall Quarter)

Winter Schedule.png

Figure 2: Manufacture and Assembly (Winter Quarter)

Figure 3: Testing and Evaluation (Spring Quarter)

Table 1: Budget


Only $200 of the $305 budget was spent.

Saved 34%


High savings while still being high quality.

Got 2nd place in ASME RC Competition


Thank you to my teammate Cam Jamison, and my professors, Charles Pringle and John Choi. 

Spring Schedule.png
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